Đánh giá VINBRAIN từ nhân viên

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Tổng quan về VINBRAIN

Trụ sở chínhHà Nội

Nhân viên100-499 nhân viên

VinBrain is an AI-focused company located in Hanoi, Vietnam. Funded by VinGroup, the largest enterprise in Vietnam by capitalization, our mission is to perform cutting-edge research and development of AI, Machine Learning (ML), and deep learning based technologies and to deploy them into real product-targeted applications. We focus on a variety of areas including medical diagnostics/prediction/prevention, management & operational efficiency through infusing AI to Internet of Things to enrich the lives of people everywhere. VinBrain is formed by seasoned researchers, engineers, and entrepreneurs with world-class experience from top tier technology companies including Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe in the fields of ML, Big Data, large scale services, and systems. Employment at VinBain offers an excitting opportunity to solve challenging problems that can be deployed for non-profit and commercial products that serve not only Vietnamese people but also all over the world. You will work alongside a group of exceptionally talented, world-class colleagues to develop and deploy high-impact applied science projects and improve AI techniques and solutions. By using AI and deep learning, we help Radiologists to identify diseases and medical issues (e.g., cancers and tumors) more accurately and earlier. We believe we are working on one of the most significant social impact opportunities in healthcare and are deploying our technology around the globe in areas that lack proper specialists, helping patients get diagnosed quickly with more accuracy.
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