Lô K9, Đường số 6, KCN Lê Minh Xuân, Bình Chánh, Hồ Chí Minh
Founded: Jan 1999 Head Quarter: 397 An Duong Vuong St, Disitrict 6, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam Factory 1: Lot K9, 6th Street, Le Minh Xuan Industrial Park, Binh Chanh district, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam Factory 2: Lot C16, 9th Street, Le Minh Xuan Industrial Park, Binh Chanh district, ...
Chi tiết
Founded: Jan 1999 Head Quarter: 397 An Duong Vuong St, Disitrict 6, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam Factory 1: Lot K9, 6th Street, Le Minh Xuan Industrial Park, Binh Chanh district, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam Factory 2: Lot C16, 9th Street, Le Minh Xuan Industrial Park, Binh Chanh district, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam Employees: 150 1. MISSION Customer satisfaction is our job. We listen, understand and fulfil demands of our customers. Detecting problems with our clients, working out solutions and developing products based on them is our strength. 2. VISION In 10 years, we will be a top of mind fastening brand when Asia and European companies seek for fastening solutions, where high-quality fasteners are required. 3. CORPORATE CULTURE We are human-orientated, customer-respected and honor the credibility. We value humans: Whether it is our suppliers, officers and customers, every decision that we make, we put human interest and benefit on the top. We respect customer: At VINAVIT, we listen to what you need and actively seek for solutions. We are committed to result at the highest level of quality. Hence, we constantly innovate and adapt to the individual needs of our clients, to the evolution of the philanthropic sector and to our ever-changing environment. We honor the credibility: Credibility and trust are what we are aim at in communication and working with clients and vendors. We believe that the one of the prerequisite of long-term success is to building solid relationship of trust and ensuring complete customer satisfaction. 4. CSR We bear responsibility within society and set standards with regard to protecting the environment and resources. That is the reason why we moved our factory to industrial area, where the impact of emission to individual physical's heath is minimized to the least.
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Bạn đang xem tin việc làm Nhân Viên Hệ Thống trong ngành được tuyển dụng tại bởi CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN SẢN XUẤT THƯƠNG MẠI VĨ NAM VIỆT (VINAVIT). CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN SẢN XUẤT THƯƠNG MẠI VĨ NAM VIỆT (VINAVIT) đang cần tuyển 1 người nhân sự với hình thức làm việc: Toàn thời gian cố định. Yêu cầu kinh nghiệm 1 năm. Website tìm việc làm timviec24h.vn cập nhật tin Nhân Viên Hệ Thống cách đây lúc 31/07/2020 00:00:00. Người tìm việc lưu ý không nên đặt tiền cọc khi xin việc . Chúng tôi luôn cố gắng đưa tin tức tuyển dụng nhanh và chính xác nhất cho bạn.