Đánh giá PORT CITIES VIETNAM từ nhân viên

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ABOUT US Port Cities Vietnam is an IT consulting company focusing on implementations of ERP system Odoo. Together with other branches in Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Mexico, it is the biggest Odoo implementation group in South-East Asia with global outreach. The group has a long history - the first branch was opened in 1997. Port Cities Vietnam was established in July 2018 and it combines the best aspects of start-up and expertise = small, friendly and hardworking team + experience with dozens of Odoo implementations and know-how from the field. Clients like 3Sach Foods, AEON and Mitsubishi Chemicals trust Port Cities! OUR VALUES We in Port Cities believe in a set of values, which we strive to follow not only with our clients, but also among each other. We believe that keeping promises is essential to efficient cooperation. Openness and talking helps us to react quickly on new situations and avoid unnecessary problems. Our main job as a consultant is to bring smart solutions - to find the best and most suitable solution for the situation (be it during the project with client, or as well while setting our own company processes). We believe that these three pillars help us to deliver 11/10 service, to fully satisfy customer with our job, approach, as well as to bring the little unexpected extra to the client.
Các thông tin trên chỉ mang tính tham khảo! Thông tin PORT CITIES VIETNAM hiện có thể đã thay đổi! Nếu bạn thấy thông tin trên không chính xác, xin vui lòng liên hệ timviec24h tại địa chỉ email: ntd.timviec24h.vn@gmail.com hoặc liên hệ zalo (0977768602) hỗ trợ viên Nguyễn Hùng.
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