Đánh giá FERRING PRIVATE LTD. từ nhân viên

0 đánh giá


Trụ sở chính20th floor, The Flemington Tower, 182 Le Dai Hanh St., Ward 15, District 11, HCMC

Nhân viên25-99 nhân viên

Ferring Pharmaceuticals is a research-driven biopharmaceutical company devoted to identifying, developing and marketing innovative products in the fields of reproductive health, urology, gastroenterology, endocrinology and osteoarthritis. The company’s research activities and products are connected by a common thread focused on the provision of tailored treatments that work on the body’s own terms to enable doctors to combat numerous diseases and medical conditions. The company has gained international recognition over the last 20 years for the creation of inventive medications that improve the quality of life of children and adults all around the world. Ferring’s marketing, medical services and sales teams, led by corporate headquarters in Saint-Prex, Switzerland, operate from more than 45 countries and employ more than 3700 people throughout the world, while treatments are available in more than 70 countries. This expansion has allowed Ferring to maintain a double digit annual growth rate over the last two decades. Ferring is committed to a future where it will continue to provide new and innovative medicines by utilising existing and acquired skills and the development of pioneering technologies and, where necessary, through partnerships with academic institutes and other companies.
Các thông tin trên chỉ mang tính tham khảo! Thông tin FERRING PRIVATE LTD. hiện có thể đã thay đổi! Nếu bạn thấy thông tin trên không chính xác, xin vui lòng liên hệ timviec24h tại địa chỉ email: ntd.timviec24h.vn@gmail.com hoặc liên hệ zalo (0977768602) hỗ trợ viên Nguyễn Hùng.
Để liên hệ với FERRING PRIVATE LTD. quý khách vui lòng gọi điện đến số điện thoại của công ty hoặc đến trực tiếp địa chỉ 20th floor, The Flemington Tower, 182 Le Dai Hanh St., Ward 15, District 11, HCMC gặp nhân viên để được hỗ trợ.
Thông tin trên được cập nhật tự động từ đánh giá FERRING PRIVATE LTD. trên Timviec24h.vn

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