Đánh giá DELHOM ACOUSTICS CO., LTD từ nhân viên

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HISTORY: DELHOM ACOUSTIQUE GROUP was founded in 1995 in Toulouse, South of France. Soon it expanded its presence with offices in Paris, to answer to growing demand in France, Europe & Africa. It soon became a pioneer in acoustic consulting for buildings, industry & urbanism. In 2014, DELHOM ACOUSTIQUE entered the Asian market by opening its Shanghai offices. Today, Delhom Acoustique Group has opened a branch in Vietnam, as demand for our expertise in SEA is growing. Delhom Acoustics Vietnam Company Limited is the Vietnamese branch of Delhom Acoustique Group. Over the years, our company has been growing, and we are now +30 employees worldwide, with 10 people in Shanghai and 2 in Ho Chi Minh City. OUR CORE BUSINESS: We are Acoustic Consultants. An acoustic consultant’s mission is to work with architects, designers, clients, etc. from the beginning of a project (concept- design phase) to create an acoustically comfortable building. An acoustically comfortable building means that there are no noise issues. Our main sectors of activity are Hotels & Resorts, Offices, Factories & International Schools. OUR PHILOSOPHY: Our core values are: integrity, quality and innovation. As a growing family business, we believe in solidarity between our teams. We strongly promote teamwork between our different offices.
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