Đánh giá Công ty TNHH Control Union Việt Nam từ nhân viên

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Tổng quan về Công ty TNHH Control Union Việt Nam

Trụ sở chính182-184 Bùi Tá Hán, An Phú, Quận 2, HCM

Nhân viên150-300

From our roots in agricultural inspections, we have been operating for 100 years in the field of logistics, quality, certifications and risk management. To this day, Peterson and Control Union continue to be family-owned and now operate in more than 70 countries employing more than 4,000 people. Our in-depth knowledge and experience covers all aspects of the supply chain in many industries including agriculture, energy, forestry, sustainability and textiles. Upholding our integrity is paramount to Peterson and Control Union. We act with honesty and respect in everything we do. Peterson and Control Union are committed to delivering respect and quality in every aspect of our business – from our service to our customers to our relationships with stakeholders, from the development of our employees to the support we give the communities in which we work. As global market leaders, Peterson and Control Union are proud of our reputation as trusted experts. This reputation is supported by our core values of honesty, integrity and respect for people, society and environment. We firmly believe in the fundamental importance of trust, openness, teamwork and professionalism among our employees, and a pride in what they do.
Các thông tin trên chỉ mang tính tham khảo! Thông tin Công ty TNHH Control Union Việt Nam hiện có thể đã thay đổi! Nếu bạn thấy thông tin trên không chính xác, xin vui lòng liên hệ timviec24h tại địa chỉ email: ntd.timviec24h.vn@gmail.com hoặc liên hệ zalo (0977768602) hỗ trợ viên Nguyễn Hùng.
Để liên hệ với Công ty TNHH Control Union Việt Nam quý khách vui lòng gọi điện đến số điện thoại của công ty hoặc đến trực tiếp địa chỉ 182-184 Bùi Tá Hán, An Phú, Quận 2, HCM gặp nhân viên để được hỗ trợ.
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CEO Công ty TNHH Control Union Việt Nam

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