Đánh giá BOYD VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED., từ nhân viên

0 đánh giá


Trụ sở chínhLot A1, Dai Dong-Hoan Son IP, Hoan Son commune, Tien Du district, Bac Ninh province

Nhân viên100-499 nhân viên

With over 85 years of customer-focused performance, Boyd Corporation has evolved as a market leader in engineered rubber, plastic, metal, flexible environmental sealing & energy management solutions. Boyd’s experienced, global team focuses on the development of custom fabricated solutions & efficient supply chains across a wide array of end markets. Boyd’s competitive offerings will support your specific product needs in the areas of environmental seals & gaskets, extruded rubber & plastic, molded rubber & plastic, stamped & fabricated metal, EMI shielding, acoustic & thermal insulation, cushioning & shock absorption, thermal management & bonding systems. Boyd is a unique supplier, valuing our people as our most important resource. With our best-in-class technical sales associates, sales support service teams & field application, quality, & manufacturing engineers, Boyd offers total global solutions to enhance the performance & manufacturability of your products. Our cost-effective, tight-tolerance, global manufacturing capabilities ensure superior total landed cost as well as reliability throughout the product life cycle. Boyd’s product development assistance unifies industrial design, engineering, & manufacturing to accelerate your time to market. To ensure success, cross functional teams are assembled from mechanical design, sourcing, manufacturing engineering, quality & production to meet your specific manufacturing challenges. Recognizing that cost & time savings are key to your success, Boyd enhances your product development process from initial investigation through final production. Company details Website: http://www.boydcorp.com Headquarters: Modesto, CA, USA Year founded: 1928 Company type: Privately Held Company size: 1,001-5,000 employees Specialties: Manufacturing and Fabrication
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Để liên hệ với BOYD VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED., quý khách vui lòng gọi điện đến số điện thoại của công ty hoặc đến trực tiếp địa chỉ Lot A1, Dai Dong-Hoan Son IP, Hoan Son commune, Tien Du district, Bac Ninh province gặp nhân viên để được hỗ trợ.
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