0 đánh giá


Trụ sở chínhFloor 17, HCO building, 44B Ly Thuong Kiet, Tran Hung Dao Province, Hoan Kiem District, HN

Nhân viên100-499 nhân viên

Delivering Ultimate Lifestyle Experiences through innovative and personalized services “ Resort Vacations Is part of a privately held diversified leisure property group with operating divisions in United kingdom, Australia, Spain, Germany and Austria in the areas of membership management, leisure, property development, property investment, hotel and resort management, vacation ownership, property information systems, travel services, project finance and database web development. Resort vacations offer a variety of leisure and lifestyle products for its discerning member base. Resort Vacations is unique and differs from other leisure membership organizations through its product selection and flexibilities preferred pricing and highly personalized customer service
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