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Trụ sở chínhHexagon MI Vietnam

Nhân viên10-24 nhân viên

Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence helps industrial manufacturers develop the disruptive technologies of today and the life-changing products of tomorrow. As a leading metrology and manufacturing solution specialist, our expertise in sensing, thinking and acting – the collection, analysis and active use of measurement data – gives our customers the confidence to increase production speed and accelerate productivity while enhancing product quality. Through a network of local service centres, production facilities and commercial operations across five continents, we are shaping smart change in manufacturing to build a world where quality drives productivity. Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence is part of Hexagon, a leading global provider of information technologies that drive productivity and quality across geospatial and industrial enterprise applications. Hexagon’s solutions integrate sensors, software, domain knowledge and customer workflows into intelligent information ecosystems that deliver actionable information. They are used in a broad range of vital industries. Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B) has approximately 20,000 employees in 50 countries and net sales of approximately 3.8bn EUR.
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