Công Ty Transcend People Limited &1st Virtue Limited

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Tổng quan về Công Ty Transcend People Limited &1st Virtue Limited

Trụ sở chính64/2 Binh Loi Street, Ward 13, Binh Thanh District Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Nhân viên200-500 nhân viên

Our Company Transcend People Limited is a western-managed Business Process Outsourcing business based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Established in 2004, the company offers long-term, flexible outsourcing solutions to a broad range of clients to help drive operational cost efficiency and business growth. By combining in-depth understanding of our clients' businesses and expertise in business process outsourcing, we take on clients' challenges and develop innovative solutions to address them. Through our commitment to ease of integration, transparent communication, and superior customer service, we help to free up their time and resources, enabling them to focus on what they do best. Our Location Our office is located in the economic and financial capital of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City, within the secure cargo facilities at Tan Son Nhat International Airport. Minutes from the main terminal and next to Fedex and DHL hubs, our office is perfectly situated to maximize efficiency
Các thông tin trên chỉ mang tính tham khảo! Thông tin Công Ty Transcend People Limited &1st Virtue Limited hiện có thể đã thay đổi! Nếu bạn thấy thông tin trên không chính xác, xin vui lòng liên hệ timviec24h tại địa chỉ email: ntd.timviec24h.vn@gmail.com hoặc liên hệ zalo (0977768602) hỗ trợ viên Nguyễn Hùng.
Để liên hệ với Công Ty Transcend People Limited &1st Virtue Limited quý khách vui lòng gọi điện đến số điện thoại của công ty hoặc đến trực tiếp địa chỉ 64/2 Binh Loi Street, Ward 13, Binh Thanh District Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam gặp nhân viên để được hỗ trợ.
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CEO  Công Ty Transcend People Limited &1st Virtue Limited

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Hỏi và trả lời về Công Ty Transcend People Limited &1st Virtue Limited

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